Friday, August 13, 2010

Vajazzling the vajay jay...

Recently I have heard sooooo much buzz over Vajazzling.. or decorating your vagina so curiosity got the cat so to speak, because I just had to try it when Babeland's very wonderful affiliates producer Krista offered me their FLAMBOYANT PASTIES SET! Yes, I had to capitalize that! It was more excitement than I have had in some time let me tell you! So I began my wonderful journey, and preparation by going to Stript Wax Bar to get the Brazilian Wax! That was an experience in its-self let me tell you, but the ladies were professional, the 'bar' was clean, and they provided NUMBING SPRAY (which I have never been offered before for a wax), so I will say all in all that went well. Time to get FLAMBOYANT! So I have to say I would have never been able to decorate my own private treasure by gluing on a bunch of crystals, so the only choices that remained were having someone else vajazzle me baby, or by using a peel-n-stick type vajazzle decoration such as the FLAMBOYANT PASTIES SET. The pasties, and the vajazzle design were awesomely beautiful, and they were easy to apply, just peel, and stick. Literally. I also want to mention that I wore my pasties/vajazzle all night, and half of the next day, at which time I peeled it off, cuz I was done having my fun! I love this set, it's hot, hot, hot, and easy as hell!

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