Thursday, July 29, 2010

Quote of the day

Today's word goes something like this... Take it as you will, or leave it as it is.......................!
Jesus Christ -- The Gospel of Thomas 60 A.D.
"Anointed in the sacred wetness with the magical spell of Merh, drinking the Nectars of Gods and giving your soul to my womb, all your fears vanish. Naked as a little child before the altar of God, in the presence of angels with eunuchs of God as your witness, you rest in the realization that you are the alpha and omega, the eternal perpetuating one. Your mind is silenced, resting composed in thoughtlessness.
You are innocent, before your fellow humans, sanctified, and never ashamed. Receiving the endowment of silence from your incarnate master, your female, ever so gently, caresses your male. Lovers are your male and female, and in their merged breath flows the wind of life. Feeling the outward inward, you see your female soul no longer female and your male soul no longer male, but one in pregnant togetherness.
Born in the scent of the soundlessness within you, the endowment of communion with the master. You awaken into the goodness filled with the ecstasy quiverings of Merh, restfully relaxed and floating in the orgasmic milieu of creation. One with the mysterium of creation, you never die (ejaculate) in the wetness, but continue on eternally. For you have awakened to God within. You are at-one-ment with the universe."

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